What do you want

I firmly embrace “one-planet prosperity”. Because the only alternative is “one-planet misery”. Currently we are at “one point seven planets prosperity for some” which is both ecologically and socially fragile. Here is what I mean with “one point seven planets”.

WSSC Launch Day 2 India

19 Jan 2019 After the announcement of WSSC in the embassy of Finland, CEO Mika Vanhanen was invited to visit Kamla Nehru Public School in Phaqwara, Punjab. A warm welcome by the school students, staff , Findoc, environmental organisation and partner organisations. Other guests represented the ongoing Miss Multinational finalists to take place simultaneously in…

WSSC announced today in India

Students age 14-17 yrs and teachers from about 100 countries will come to Finland in the end of May. The initiative comes from the ENO schoolnet, In the summit, students will share their experiences on climate change and ways to act. The importance of forests will also be in focus. A concrete outcome will be…