Act Now! World Environment Day On-line event #OnlyOneEarth

ENO invites all the ENO schools and communities to participate: #Only One Earth, Act Now -event!  Act Now brings to you 3rd edition  of  World’s  Largest  and  Longest  Environment Online Event, 24-hours Non-Stop, on 4th-5th June 2022. The event brings together organizations and individuals from the world over to present their climate actions and generate awareness about how we…

Let’s go out flowerbombing! 13.5.2022

Welcome to participate with other ENO schools around the world to flowerbomb -event! Flower- or seedbomb is a horticultural activity: little balls made up of a combination of compost, clay and seeds. They’re not explosive or edible and the idea is to spread flowers in different environments with a try to work in harmony with…