ENO South Sudan

Eno South Sudan Environment Online – ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Environmental themes are studied throughout the school year and campaigns arranged simultaneously around the world. Happening now Environment Online – ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Environmental themes are studied throughout the school year…

ENO Art Lights for Friendship celebrated in Joensuu

The traditional ENO Art Light event -this year “Lights for Friendship ” was celebrated in Joensuu, Finland in advance – friday 24 November. The snowy and frosty weather together with magical lights created a real winter wonderland in Kuhasalo natural reserve nearby the city center. The multisensory event combining lights, art and music was organized…

ENO Art: RESULTS OF Upcycled Fish Art contest 2022

Dear ENO Art Upcycled Fish art  contestants, ENOArt UPCYCLED FISH – RESULTS are here! Our ENOArt Contest has come to an end. Thank you so much for your participation! There were so many brilliant ideas and solutions and the jury had really difficult time to decide about the winners. Although there were 4 age categories,…

ENO Weather week 31.1-4.2.2022

ENO Weather week 2022 first part coming up 31.1-4.2.2022! ENO invites all the primary and secondary schools to make weather observations together with the other ENO schools. Read the instructions for the upcoming project event at: https://www.enoprogramme.org/eno-weather-week

Valoa tulevaisuuteen – The Beauty of Light event in Joensuu

in english below **** The video from Utra Islands 3 Dec 2021: Valoa tulevaisuuteen – tapahtuma Utransaari, pe 3.12.klo 17.00-18.30  kaikille avoin  valotaideteos, valopolku, salakirjoituksella löytyviä viestejä, roolihahmoja,  tanssia, musiikkia ja väliin rauhallista tunnelmaa  lähes 400 Utran koulun oppilaiden tekemää lasilyhtyä  kaikille osallistujille/perheille omat taskulamput mukaan – Tule mukaan toteuttamaan…

ENO Global Food Exhibition

What does your typical or traditional plate look like? Show us your traditional food as it is served and explain what the ingredients are and how it is made. Where are the ingredients coming from? Do you think it’s ecological? Send the image (one image/person) with the short description together with your name, age and…


ENO Light Art happening is here! As we are entering the International year of glass we will pay a little tribute to this wonderful material – please find a way to include pieces of glass into your light installations. Let the light play and rejoice too! Registrations by 26 Nov. Read the full instructions from…