Eno Lithuania
Environment Online – ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Environmental themes are studied throughout the school year and campaigns arranged simultaneously around the world.
Happening now
Environment Online – ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Environmental themes are studied throughout the school year and campaigns arranged simultaneously around the world.
Weather observation week (31st January-4th Febuary)
President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium from Kaunas, for the second time participated in ENO weather observation week. (31st January-4th February). 5th graders were tracing the temperature three times in a day, humidity, amount of rain and also observing the types of clouds making pictures of them at the same time. At the end of the week students together with their teacher had a discussion on the results sharing their observations and beautiful pictures. Thank you ENO for a great possibility to participate in such a project and dive in those interesting and beneficial activities:)
Weather observation week in Lithuania, Kaunas
25-29th October
ENO Weather Observation Week is an international project for primary and secondary school students to observe climate change, its changes in nature every year, compare them, analyze and draw conclusions. Such weather observation weeks take place twice in a year: in autumn and winter (weeks 5 and 43). By observing the weather, students record temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, research and observe cloud types and cloud cover. Later, the recorded results are discussed, compared with other countries and shared on social networks.
Our gymnasium’s 6th grade students this year 25th-29th October for the first time participated in the project by observing and recording the lowest, highest and average daily temperature, precipitation and cloud cover. In conclusion, 24th November participated in a joint on line lesson with peers from Brazil, Finland, Israel and Croatia. During the lesson, students presented the obtained results, had the opportunity to compare them with the results of other countries, to discuss about climate change around the world and its impact on humanity. Thanks to our cool sixth graders and we hope that more and more students will be involved in the project next time.
Tree planting day in President V. Adamkus gymnasium
International Day for Biological Diversity is commemorated by the whole world, including Lithuania. Since 2004, this day has also been commemorated by ENO- the global network of schools and communities. Since the launch in 2000, over 10 000 schools in 157 countries have taken part in this action. “Living trees are an integral part of our ecosystem, if they disappear, the world will collapse, leaving only a handful of ashes, because trees are the air generators that are desperately needed to sustain life on Earth.”
President Valdas Adamkus Gymnasium, which has recently become part of the ENO network, has also joined this excellent event. The students of the gymnasium planted even 200 pine trees in the tree planting campaign! While planting pines, our school students not only learned what soil is best for these trees, how to take care of them, where and for what purposes pine wood is used, but also committed to take care of the trees and watch them growing and strengthening. We say a big THANK YOU to the organizers and participants of the campaign, who are indifferent to the future of the Earth and its green cloth.
Despite a global pandemic in the world, ENO network commemorated the International Day of Peace in 2021 and organized the worldwide event “ACT NOW FOR AN EQUITABLE AND SUSTAINABLE WORLD”. President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium has also contributed to this great campaign planting 20 rowans together with other ENO network participants from 100 countries in the world, among whom the first planters were participants from Oceania and the last – students from the Hawaiian islands.
On this day 30 sixth grade students of our gymnasium and their tutor not only planted rowans but also invited a special guest – the legendary “Žalgiris” generation basketball player Mindaugas Arlauskas. Our school’s students curiously asked the former basketball player about his achievements in the world of basketball and his career twists after completing his career.
Once again we want to express our gratitude to ENO, ACT NOW and the others who arranged this great event.
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