Just a week before escaping into the well deserved summer holidays the students from Pielisjoki & Nepenmäki secondary schools and Itä-Suomen primary school planted seeds of food plants at the Botania botanical garden of Joensuu. The event is now held a second time and the schools have agreed with the Botania garden that the summer employees will take care of the plantings once in a week. Botanical garden is an enclosed area and the garden can be visited only with an entrance ticket. So the plantings will be safe from sabotage. The main organisers of this event are two biology and geography teachers; Mr. Antti Kasurinen and Mr. Saku Punkari.
A lot of varieties of plants were planted. The following among others:
- rhubarb
- Onions
- turnips
- carrots
- potato
- swede
- onions
- peas
- leaf chard
- beetroot
- parsley
- dill
- rosemary
- rhubarb is perennial
- mint and “lipstikka” herb
The students in action:
The finnish students get back to their schools in mid-august and the harvest event will be held soon after that. Are your schools doing something similar? The students and teachers would be happy to hear and exchange ideas. You can contact to ENO at info@enoprogramme.org or pass some photos or moments from your school harvest and planting events at ENO Teachers Facebook site at https://www.facebook.com/groups/461418417384956