ENO Weather Week is here again! The week for observations is from 19th to 23th October (the week 43). Here are the instructions for participation:
Instructions in pdf format from here
- Check out the online observation form and go through the questions.
- Get the materials and tools needed: smartphone/tablet or pen and paper for notes, thermometer, air pressure and rainwater measurement tools. Do your weather measurements at noon or around noon each day.
- Fill the online form with informations and measurement results.
- Make graphic presentations of the results and comparisons bethween the years and participants in your area/country or in the network. You can use Google sheets graphic tool or make them otherwise -using the digital tools you like or by doing drawings in hand, doing handicraft etc. Creativity is welcomed!
- Share you obsevartions with the ENO network: in facebook at the ENO Teachers group using the hastag #ENOWeatherWeek2020