TIEDOTE: Joensuulainen osaaminen näkyvästi mukana ilmastomusiikkivideolla

Vuoden 2019 lopussa ENO-verkkokoulu oli mukana toteuttamassa mittavaa ilmastokonserttia Climate Aid Finlandia Helsingin Musiikkitalolla. Konsertin päätöskappaleena oli Johanna Almarkin sävellys ”Yes we all need hope”. Nyt ENO-verkkokoulu on Joensuun kaupunginorkesterin, eturivin artistien, räppäävien Biolasten ja virtuaalikuoron kanssa toteuttanut yhteisöllisen ilmastomusiikkivideon. Mukana videolla on eturivin nimistä mm. Jannika B, Irina, Wimme, Mikko von Hertzen, Eija, Taljanka,…

Show your actions!

As part of the Climate Action ENO together with Ekosäätiö, Myrskyvaroitus and a number of Finnish musicians will publish a music video “Yes, we all need hope”. The key message of the video is “In addition to hope, we need actions”. We are challenging organisations (municipalities, NGOs, embassies, companies, schools, parishes, individuals) to show their…

A valued partnership and a commitment to life on our planet

Environment Online (ENO) and Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) have a long partnership history on annual tree-planting events, with the organisations joining forces to address sustainable development and environmental education around the world. The goals of the organisations are similar: to promote sustainable development in schools and communities and to raise awareness of the important…

ENOArt 2021 Competition is launched!

New ENO Art competition for schools and kindergartens has been launched! Present endangered animals in your country and the results of your creativity in 3D creation. The competition time is from 22 Feb to 22 May 2021. The competition has three categories: A – Kindergartens, 4 – 6 years B – Elementary schools, 6 –…

ENO country coordinators appointed for 2021-2023

We would like to thank all coordinators for their contribution in the period 2018-2020! You have made ENO -> ONE    For the period 2021-2023 we have 54 ENO country coordinators. You will find their whereabouts on the map on our website. Welcome all “old” and new coordinators!   If you are thinking of becoming an ENO country coordinator,…

ENO Weather Week 2021

ENO invites schools to participate in ENO Weather Week to make weather observations again! The week for observations is 1-5 Feb 2021 (week 5) and the theme for this Weather week is CHANGEMENT . The project is aimed at new and former participants. The idea of this week is to observe the weather and make notice…

What is your vision of ENO for 2030?

What is your vision of ENO for 2030? This is an invitation to participate in our strategy work! Coming back to our previous news on the ENO strategy work starting, we would like to invite our stakeholders to participate in the process. The first part is VISION. Have you participated in ENO activities? If yes,…

ENO strategy work has started

Better late than never? At the grown-up age of 20 years, we have started our strategy process in October to agree on out vision, mission, values and the strategy for 2021-2030. The process will involve the whole ENO community, from the students and teachers to the ENO country coordinators, board members and other stakeholders. We…

My environment -project for secondary schools 

My environment -project for secondary schools searching for participants Online inquiries are ready and waiting participants to answer! Read the students letter for participants and answer inquiries from here ENO invites students to observe their environment nearby the school using natural science methods. What there is and what there isn’t? Is it calm or noisy, is it…