Environment Online -ENO
ENVIRONMENT ONLINE - ENO is a voluntary network and has ENO country coordinators in about 60 countries (2021). The coordinators share information about ENO and encourage participation in ENO activities in their
ENO has several campaigns and activities running every year, for example:
- ENO Tree Planting Days: our longest run campaign since 2004 which is held around the
World Biodiversity Day in May and International Day of Peace in September. Those countries
whose environment does not allow tree planting during those times participate at a more
suitable time of year. ENO made a strong commitment in Rio+20 Summit about planting 100
million trees by 2017. This was highlighted also in the summary of commitments by Rio
Secretariat. ENO has planted more than 30 million trees.
- ENO Art: campaigns twice a year to bring forward environmental issues using recycled
material. Previous campaigns have been to use re- or upcycled material to make a stool, bees
and national endangered species. Each year in December is the ENO light for the Earth,
where students and kindergarten children make lanterns out of used materials. The lanters
are lit at a specific time in each local time to create a chain of lights starting from the eastern
part of the world.
- ENO Weather Week: campaigns twice a year with schools and classes collecting weather
data from their city, sharing it and making research on it. In connection to this, the classes
have online sessions with similar age classes from other countries.
- ENO Energy Awareness Week: in conjunction with the Finnish Energy saving week in
October, ENO encourages schools and communities around the world to reduce their energy
consumption, increase their energy efficiency, etc.
- ENO Water week: school classes participate in different water research issues and share
their experiences with other school classes
ENO is accredited to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) of the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP)