Call for short presentations – submit your proposal by 27.3.2024!
The Zero Carbon Conference is calling all high school, vocational school and university students to submit their presentation proposal in the Zero Carbon Conference 2024.
Student presentations
The student presentations will be 6 minutes long and should include experiences and practical solutions for reducing carbon emissions in schools, local communities or municipality level.
Zero Carbon Communities
The Zero Carbon Conference 2024 will focus on zero carbon communities: both from the municipality level as well as the local level. Examples of presentation topics include, but are not limited to:
- Municipality level
- Green building policies
- Carbon neutrality commitments
- Sustainable public transport systems
- Community engagement and participation of residents and businesses
- Climate action planning
- Community level
- Different kinds of school initiatives
- Renewable energy programmes and joint energy production
- Urban greening projects
- Reduction of methane emissions through joint composting and recycling
- Promoting sustainable transportation
- Community events for raising awareness
Coaching for the student presenters
The student presenters will participate in rehearsals to practice the presentation and timing of the presentations. The rehearsals will be held on 2.4.2024 and 3.4.2024.
Presentations proposal
Propose a presentation as an individual or as a group by 27.3.2024 at!