Peace is Green

To celebrate 20 years, ENO India in association with Act Now organized World’s largest and longest Environment Online Event for 24 Hours. The event saw participants from 113 countries and had an approximate reach of about a million people. Content is constantly updated at: Event Page Facebook Instagram Twitter  

ENO 20 years stories

ENO network just turned 20 years so we asked you to share your stories and memories during the years. Thank you so much for sharing! Here’s a short compilation of them.     Read Rajiv’s ENO story “I stepped in green” from here >>     Babita Bajracharya, ENO country coordinator for Nepal, English Teacher…

My environment -project for secondary schools 

My environment -project for secondary schools searching for participants Online inquiries are ready and waiting participants to answer! Read the students letter for participants and answer inquiries from here ENO invites students to observe their environment nearby the school using natural science methods. What there is and what there isn’t? Is it calm or noisy, is it…

ENO Tree planting days 2020

ENO Tree planting days were organised again two times: one in spring and one in autumn. ENO Tree planting day on 22 May was heavily influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. In most cases the whole event was cancelled or reduced to minimum. The amount of participants and trees planted remained lower than normally. Circumstances were…

I stepped in green

My Journey with ENO began on an afternoon on March 11, 2000 when a random email from Finland landed on my table requesting schools to join a web based project. ENO promised an innovative project, an online global learning. However, to agree to participate in an online project was an intimidating prospect as I was…

ENO Weather Week 19-23 Oct

ENO Weather Week is here again! The week for observations is from 19th to 23th October (the week 43). Here are the instructions for participation: Instructions in pdf format from here Check out the online observation form and go through the questions. Get the materials and tools needed: smartphone/tablet or pen and paper for notes, thermometer,…

Kestävää elämäntapaa etsimässä -Erään eräoppaan vaihtoehto / Searching for a sustainable living – alternative of one wilderness guide

Joensuulainen  eräopas Huck Middeke on muuttanut jurttaan kaupungin laidalle. Nomad Town Joensuuksi nimetyllä tontilla on tarkoituksena elää kestävää ja ekologista elämää niin, että maapallon luonnonvaroja kuluu mahdollisimman vähän; ”että ihmisille riittäisi yksi maapallo” – Huck huokaisee. ”Emme enää voi elää vanhemmiltamme oppimamme elämäntavan mallin mukaisesti maapallon nykytilanne huomioiden” – hän lisää. Vuokratulta tontilta löytyy Huckin…

Community engagement in Karhunmäki

ENO participates in local, regional, national and international activities in engaging communities in sustainable development activities, including climate actions. Joensuu is a growing city, with several new residential areas being built. Karhunmäki is one these, with approximately 800 households in the area. The Climate Blocks -project, implemented by the city of Joensuu, is a project…

School children at their tree nursery in Tanzania

What is your ENO story?

What is your ENO Story? We want stories of what you have done in your schools, organisations, communities that is related to ENO. No politics, no discrimination of any kind and the basic rules of common courtesy apply! The writers can be organisers, participants or stakeholders.