Kestävää elämäntapaa etsimässä -Erään eräoppaan vaihtoehto / Searching for a sustainable living – alternative of one wilderness guide

Joensuulainen  eräopas Huck Middeke on muuttanut jurttaan kaupungin laidalle. Nomad Town Joensuuksi nimetyllä tontilla on tarkoituksena elää kestävää ja ekologista elämää niin, että maapallon luonnonvaroja kuluu mahdollisimman vähän; ”että ihmisille riittäisi yksi maapallo” – Huck huokaisee. ”Emme enää voi elää vanhemmiltamme oppimamme elämäntavan mallin mukaisesti maapallon nykytilanne huomioiden” – hän lisää. Vuokratulta tontilta löytyy Huckin…

Community engagement in Karhunmäki

ENO participates in local, regional, national and international activities in engaging communities in sustainable development activities, including climate actions. Joensuu is a growing city, with several new residential areas being built. Karhunmäki is one these, with approximately 800 households in the area. The Climate Blocks -project, implemented by the city of Joensuu, is a project…

School children at their tree nursery in Tanzania

What is your ENO story?

What is your ENO Story? We want stories of what you have done in your schools, organisations, communities that is related to ENO. No politics, no discrimination of any kind and the basic rules of common courtesy apply! The writers can be organisers, participants or stakeholders.

What do you want

I firmly embrace “one-planet prosperity”. Because the only alternative is “one-planet misery”. Currently we are at “one point seven planets prosperity for some” which is both ecologically and socially fragile. Here is what I mean with “one point seven planets”.